Why am i here?
Because God did not want a world without you!
Navigating life in today’s world is pretty scary and frightening. Even more so when we are making big life decisions about where to go next, and what to do. The fear of getting it wrong, when the consequences are major, can be overwhelming.
“What should I do with my life?”
“Should I go to Uni or get a job?”
“Will I find someone to love, and to love me?”
The questions we face can boil down to “What is the purpose of my life? Do I have any purpose at all?”
Paul can help us answer this: “Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! For in our union with Christ he has blessed us by giving us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world. Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ, so that we would be holy and without fault before him” (Ephesians 1:3-4).
God really does care about us, loves you and me, and knows what we are going through. None of us gave life to ourselves. Life is a gift. It was given to us by God. If we forget this, we can find ourselves asking whether we are just a product of chance, with no meaning to our lives. But this is not true! You were made by God, out of love. There is a purpose for your life. The one who put you here has a purpose for you, even if you don’t yet understand it.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you” (Jeremiah 1:5).
What the Church says...
The Church teaches that I am chosen, not only before I was born, but even before the universe was formed. That would be billions of years ago!
It’s a fact: I am already in the mind of God and have been since the very beginning of the world. The purpose for me is to be holy. So God adopted me through Jesus Christ and through Jesus God has bestowed upon me every spiritual blessing to achieve this end. This is the purpose of my life: to be holy and to be God’s child.
To reach this goal, God also lovingly guides me through life’s events and gives me companions along the way.
When we wonder what we should do with our lives, we first need to ask what is God’s plan for me?
How can I achieve holiness and be a good child of God?
I believe that God as a loving Creator whose will is not hidden from me.
I just need to be open to God through reflection, prayer and service to others.
The first question to ask is not what I want, but what God wants for me?
This attitude of openness to God is to accompany me in my life, since it is in living my life daily with the loving Creator, that it fully unfolds and reaches its ultimate goal.
Prayer of St Ignatius
Lord, teach me to be generous,
to serve you as you deserve to be served,
to give without counting the cost,
to fight without heeding the wounds,
to work without seeking rest,
to spend my life without expecting any other reward,
than to know I do your holy will.
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Identity:Identified contains 24 inserts and highlighting of key passages within the New Testament that are designed to help teenagers navigate life’s challenges with ways to identify why God created each one of us in the unique way He did.
This book also has a number of QR codes that link to a series of special videos that have numerous people sharing their stories and how they cope with life.
This is the perfect tool to help the younger generation in your life to follow Jesus as they navigate the challenges of life and trust him as a true friend and companion.